Mohawk Building

Downtown Spokane

Structure Demolition

TCS Home     Demolition Home


Work on the north elevation is slow-going due to the proximity of street traffic.

The east wing of the south elevation partially demolished.


 Our trailer and generator.  The adjacent Fernwell building to the east is to remain.


Couldn't get past here to get some good action shots.


A close-up of the leaning portion seen in the top right photo.


Demolition of the roof deck.


John works on disconnecting the roof from the wall.



Landon operates our Brokk 250.  We needed the extra reach.  This and the following photos were taken by a professional photographer.

Collapsing a corner.


A tangle of reinforcement.

The 250's reach keeps our operator and machine safe.


Another satisfying thud.

Preparing to exit this level.


Landon guides our mini-ex down the steep ramp.

Almost done with our part.  We had nice views of downtown Spokane.